HBDI Certified

    Since the time of Aristotle and Plato, many typologies have been created to organise people into various categories so that we may better understand ourselves and others and make predictions about how people will behave and perform

    High-performing work teams are characterised by individuals who reflect diversity in how they behave, contribute and interrelate. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Model is an organising principle that helps us to make sense of how individuals within a team are different in a way that is easy to understand. The model helps us to reframe individual differences as just that different, rather than right or wrong, good or bad. The model provides a language that can be used to describe strengths, preferences, frustrations and blind spots in a way that enables each to be valued for what they bring to the team rather than what they lack.

    Your thinking preferences will likely differ from those of other people in the workplace. There is no right or wrong type of thinking preference, but there are implications to having different preferences. Understand your thinking preferences, and you will gain valuable insight into how you communicate, make decisions, solve problems and how you may differ from your colleagues.

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