Building Leadership Capability

    Building Leadership Capability

    Leadership is personal, and being able to motivate, engage, and inspire individuals is based on our ability to build authentic relationships. At PVW Partners, we work with supervisors, managers and leaders to build intra-personal and inter-personal capabilities. Our leadership programs are engaging, experiential and behaviourally based. Our content is contemporary and highlights the leadership attributes that will be important in the coming years as we experience accelerated adoption of technologies and growing skills instability. These attributes include the ability to:

    • Be seen as a credible leader.
    • Develop a vision and make work meaningful.
    • Drive a productive team culture that creates psychological safety and guides performance.
    • Build productive relationships within the team and across stakeholder groups.
    • Motivate and engage individuals – understand what is important to people in their roles and drive discretionary effort.
    • Develop talent – engage in succession planning and build the team’s bench strength.
    • Lead people through change – maximising opportunities and maintaining productive relationships.

    Leadership Development DOWNLOAD

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